TL;DR – Everything you need to know, summarised for you at 5pm daily.
1) Shrews, not rats
Residents of Springside Park in Seletar thought they had a rat problem, only to realise that they are shrews instead. Though they bear a similar resemblance to rats, shrews are not rodents. They are classified as insectivores, amongst other differences in appearance and behaviour patterns.
2) The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies
In this riveting account, Tim and Alex Foley share about how the American dream life they were leading came to be destroyed one evening when an FBI raid revealed that their parents were actually secret agents for the Russian government and the events that followed after.
3) PM Lee vs. Darryl David
We must keep fit to stay healthy, says our PM at the newly renovated Ci Yuan Sports Park and Family Sports Carnival yesterday.
4) When Your Toddler Is Actually A Teenager
5) Gwen Stefani Carpool Karaoke (w/ George Clooney & Julia Roberts)
If you need something to help you get through the rest of Monday.