Mon. Feb 17th, 2025
TraceTogether App updated

TL;DR – Those unvaccinated and who do not have a cleared test status will have a white background.

If you have not updated your TraceTogether app, you might want to do so now on your Google Play Store or the App Store.

Because according to GovTech, those who are using version 2.11 and above of the app will see an animated otter against a green background on their SafeEntry check-in pass, when TraceTogether app users clear their vaccination and test status checks.

The updated version of the app will mean that users do not have to return to the app’s home screen when asked for such information. The change will also help with quicker entry into places with status checks, said GovTech in a recent Facebook post.


Here’s what you should see if you are vaccinated and cleared your test status checks:

TraceTogether App vaccinated

Those who are unvaccinated and do not have a cleared test status will have a white background on their check-in screen, also known as a white pass, as shown below:

TraceTogether App unvaccinated

The white screen also applies to those who perform a group check-in.

TraceTogether App group check-in

So, don’t panic or start having FOMO if you don’t see the green background and the cute, animated otter on your screen when you do a group check-in!

At places without vaccination or test status checks, users can enter regardless of their green or white pass. This latest change involves only check-in passes, and there is no differentiation in check-out passes.

ST Forum writer suggests enhanced SafeEntry system to show red light for unvaccinated people


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And just so you know, the green and white passes only show when you do a QR or Favourites check-in. As with previous versions of the app, check-ins done by tapping your app against the SafeEntry Gateway Box or SafeEntry Business App will not trigger the display of the passes.