Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025
Poor sleep can hurt your careerPoor sleep can hurt your career

TL;DR – Have trouble concentrating at work or remembering some points discussed in a meeting? Perhaps you need more quality sleep.  

I’ll sleep when I’m dead – quoted by Warre Zevon

Heard of this quote? If you’re an exceptional overachiever, you probably said it yourself. It is very common to brag about forsaking our sleep to do something productive. While the reaps in the short-term could be rewarding, chances are, your performance and health could take a hit in the long run.

Lack of sleep can affect your job performance

Singapore is ranked 3rd most sleep-deprived of the 42 cities profiled. Beating us in sleep deprivation are Tokyo and Seoul.  Most Singaporeans blame their lack of sleep to the long hours working culture. While some traded sleep for more play.

Lack of sleep impairs concentration, alertness, reasoning and problem-solving. All these factors make it difficult to learn efficiently.

Sleep plays a role in consolidating memories. This process helps you remember what you learned and experienced during the day. Without it, our work and school performance can be adversely affected.

Sleeping well for mental wellness

Sleep resets our brain to optimize functioning and it is vital for our cardiovascular and immune systems, as well as our ability to think clearly, learn new information, and manage our emotions. It also affects our physical and mental functioning the next day.

Having disruptions in your sleep could also lead to higher levels of psychological distress. Researchers recognize that sleep problems could worsen different mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.

READ MORE:  Why Mental Health is brought up so often now

Sleeping is slimming

Studies have shown that getting more sleep can lead to lower calorie consumption and improved weight loss.

Your diet could also affect your sleep. Low fibre, high saturated fat, and high sugar diets have been correlated with poor quality sleep. People who experience sleep problems were also found to have a deficit in nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. This proves that a consistent and well-balanced diet could benefit our sleeping conditions.

Sleeping for beauty

“Beauty sleep” is real. Your skin uses your sleeping hours to heal itself from the damage it faces in the day.

Pulling an all-nighter can make your skin look pale or blemished. Sleep encourages healthy blood flow to your skin which promotes a more even-looking skin tone.

How much sleep do we need?

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep for optimal health and functioning. Older adults aged 65 and above need between 7 to 8 hours of sleep.

Let’s work towards having enough sleep, shall we?

Click here for another lifestyle article.

Quiet Quitting: The opposite of everyday hustling

By Wesley

A Singaporean talking about anything related to Singapore and Singaporeans. Current affairs junkie!