Fri. Mar 22nd, 2024

TL;DR – Same same but different.


Not too long ago, there was a social studies “guide book” which suggested some differences between people of higher and lower SES.

Immediately after that came out, many other people came up with their own approach to differentiate between the two socio-economic status groups.

Here are some of the best we found:

The most sensible ones

The very clever and awesome people at RiceMedia came up with the most sensible ways to differentiate people of higher and lower SES.

RiceMedia’s ways of differentiating people of Higher and Lower SES. via

The funny ones

Then there are these from Tropic Monster TV, which are totally hilarious.

And my personal favourite of all those that they came up with:

Divine anointing for Higher SES, hong you for Lower SES. via

The similarities

There were also people who very quickly pointed out that people of higher and lower SES have more in common than we know. Like the people at Scoot:

Nice one, Scoot!

And then, this is my personal favourite:

We all love our hawker food! via

Indeed, no matter what SES you are from, so long as you are Singaporean, I’m quite sure you love our hawker food!

Different SES, one Singapore

Yes, some of us have more money, higher education, while some of us may find it a little harder to make ends meet, or not have spent much time in school.

But at the day, we shouldn’t let such differences divide us.

By Joey Wee

I am nice, most of the time!